Thursday, November 8, 2012

Deliverance & Starting Over

  Have you ever had a strong conviction that you alone couldn't break? Have you ever tried all by yourself and for some reason, you just couldn't shake it? Or have you ever told God that you'll quit, stopped for a couple days, weeks, months, however long and all of a sudden, you've found yourself back a square one?
   I know for myself that I have been all those things, I've tried alone, couldn't do it. I told God I'll stop, did for the moment and started back and at times when I did go back, I was so tired of asking God for forgiveness that I didn't even bother asking at all. I just continued to live the way I wanted, without thinking about the consequences of what I was doing. No, God didn't tell me He was tired, that it was the thought I allowed Satan to put in my head that he was tired (Who's you're Gatekeeper?). In all truthfulness, I was tired of me asking but using God an excuse to not and with that thinking mentality, you'll not only fall short but you'll sell yourself short of God's promises.
   (Psalms 34:17) tells us, "The Lord hears his people when they call to him for help. He rescues them from all their troubles". In verse 18, it says, "The Lord is close to the brokenhearted, He rescues those who are crushed in spirit." Do you really think that God doesn't know what you're going to do when you do it? (Jeremiah 1:4-5) speaks about how God knew Jeremiah before he was born, before He formed him in his mothers womb. Before we were born God set us apart and appointed us to spokespeople for Him (doers of His Word). God already knows when you're going to make choices that doesn't align with His Word but it's up to us to know and to understand that, so that we can ask for forgiveness without feeling so guilty that we don't ask.
   The Word of God says in (Romans 6:12). "Do not let sin control the way you live, do not give in to it's lustful desires." Some may look at that and say, well God is talking about "sex" because that's a lustful desire. (Romans 6:13) says Do not let any part of your body become a tool of wickedness, to be used for sinning. (sinning- any reprehensible or regrettable action, behavior, or lapse; to offended against a principle or standard) So how is he only referring to lust? God is saying your thoughts, your words you speak, and other things that we do that doesn't align with Gods Word that's apart of your life.
   Now let's be clear Jesus didn't die on the cross for our sins so we can do as we please. No, He died because God knew we weren't perfect, he knew that we all will fall short of His glory, so he gave His son so that we may have life and have it more abundantly.
   (Romans 6:15) asks the question and gives an answer (15) So since Gods grace has set us free from the law (which enslaves you to sin, Romans 6:14) so does this mean we can go on sinning? Of course not! (Romans 6:16) tells us that whatever you choose to obey becomes your master. You can choose sin which leads to death or you can choose God and receive his approval.
   Now you can continue to live a life of this world or you can allow righteousness to be your master (Romans 6:17-18)
   (2 Peter 2:9) tells us that God knows how to rescue godly people from their trials.
   (Romans 12:2) tells us not to copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will know what God wants you to do, then you will know how good, pleasing, and perfect His will really is. Doing what the world does or call acceptable only gets us so far in this life and nowhere in Gods Kingdom.
   Don't ever fell like you can't be changed for the better, that's what God longs for, for us as His children to come to Him for forgiveness and be delivered from bondage and to live a righteous life. (2 Samuel 22: 1-4) tells us about how David praised God for rescuing him from his enemies. (enemies- (1) a person who feels hatred for; and adversary or opponent; (6) something harmful or prejudicial)
   Don't stay closed minded to what God is capable of, He's able to do all that we ask or think. If there's anything in your life that brings harm to you and in your heart you want and need deliverance, please don't hesitate to ask God to bring you through, that's what Jesus died for, because if everyone was too ashamed to ask for forgiveness then the blood of Jesus was shed in vain. And we all know that that's far from reality!
   Jesus died for many reasons and one was for us to be conquerors over the sins that we've committed, and not be tied down and shackled by our own guilt. Pray and ask God for deliverance and receive God's forgiveness

(Acts 19-20; Isaiah 43:18-19; 1 John 2:1; Romans 8:28; Romans 8:1; 2Corinthians 5:17; 1 John 1:9; Jeremiah 29:11; 21:4; Ephesians 1:7; James 5:16)

**The insert "Who's Your Gatekeeper", came from a series that pastor, Pastor James McMenis in Shreveport, La ministering on right now at Word God Ministries" Go to to order tapes, dvds of the series(all series)**

**God is really moving in the lives of the youth of today. Making them prouder to live for Gods Glory and reshape the world!!!**

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

My Apologies

I have taken so long with.posting another blog. I don't know who these may bless all I know is that they bless someone! I'll make it my point to make sure that it won't take too long on writing. I don't want my readers to get bored!! ((; Be Blessed World and God Bless!!! XoXo BevBaby!!

Our Friendship

   Growing up, did your Mother ever tell you to be careful who you hang around? Or did you have a close friend that you did everything with and Moms (for some reason) didn't approve or your "friendship", I have.
   Growing up, I had so many "friends" , I hung with this person, that person, I talked to this person and that person and within months, I probably didn't remember their phone number. Some friends, we may have lost touch, and some we may have had a disagreement those are " temporary friendships", those are the friends Mom warned you about.
   Mothers have a special gift when it comes to their children, like a K9 sniffing out a criminal, mothers can sniff out foolishness from a mile away.
  We as teenagers (when we were teenagers) wants/wanted to hang with the people that we gravitated more to and this is what it was/is based on, 1) popularity 2) the way they dressed 3) what they looked like 4) that benefit they would bring to us and our reputation. But what we as a generation forget to look at is the integrity of a person. Integrity is defined as adherence to moral and ethical principals; soundness of moral character; honesty. My goodness, Lord knows I would have loved to have been around people like that.
   Some might ask, how are you suppose to know  the integrity of a person if you're not around them? good question. That's when the Holy Spirit comes into play, you may be sitting having a good conversation with someone and you've told them all about you spiritual walk, you've told them about your old life and living of this world isn't who you are anymore, they (of course) tell you they understand and not even 5 min later, they proceed to try and convince you to go against everything you stand for. I've heard people say I know God's Word but I'm just not ready to put my all into it, I'm still young and I have a life to live .Those are the friends we love from a distance. (Philippians 2:14-18) tells us to (14) stay away from complaining and arguing, (15) so that no one can speak blame against you... (16) hold tight to the Word of life.... (17) ... if my life is to be poured out like a drink of offering to complete the sacrifice of your Faithful service. I will rejoice and want to share my whole heart with all of you. (18) And you shall be happy about this and rejoice with me.
   A "friend" is a person attached to another by feelings of personal regard. How can you be friends with someone if the personal change in your life isn't taken into regard in their life? The same way they would Love for you to follow their lead, why can't they follow yours, knowing that the journey you're taking is life changing and for the better?
   If someone can't rejoice with you and be happy with you and for you especially when it comes down to living for Christ maybe you should reevaluate your "friendships". Now don't lose sight of what I previously said, I said "Love from a distant", meaning you don't have to completely shut them out of your life but do what God has called you to do, let them live their life and when they need someone to call on when things aren't going right, you'll be the first one they pick up the phone and call on to give them the guidance they need to start putting the pieces back together. Why? Because you're living, you have no worries (though to the world, it may seem) but you don't worry, you've already made it clear that you've given up and gave it to God and with that, that's where they want and need to be.
   Surround yourself with those who walk the same walk as you, who follow the same path, even though your journey may not be the same, the love that you all share for Christ is and with that, makes a friendship for eternity.

(1 John 1; Hebrews 10:24-25; James 5:9; Leviticus 19:16; Pilippians 2:14-16; 1 Peter 4:9; Romans 14:1; 16:17-19)