Thursday, August 22, 2013

Daughters Of The King

   Before I start, I want anyone reading this to declare: Jesus is the King over my life and that Satan's army is subject to my authority. Amen.
   Like I've said in some of my previous blogs, we all have a purpose, Jesus died to give us life, that we may have joy & peace, that we may experience true love through Him.
   But oh so often, we allow the ways of this world to manifest darkness over our lives. We allow people to come in and take the thing Jesus died on the cross for and that's our life. What I mean by this is we become broken, broken mentally, spiritually, physically, and emotionally. Some of us have suicidal thoughts and some of us even took it there, wanting/trying to end our lives because someone has made us feel like we have no life to live for. (NTL) Romans 13:10 "Loves does no wrong to anyone, so love satisfies all God's requirements."  I want us to think back to a time that the one we "loved" the most said or did something that brought us to a point of no self-worth. I'm not just saying it happened once, I'm saying they did so much over a period of time that it broke your spirit, you were broken, depressed, and self-conscious of who you were. We have had times in our lives that changed us, by what people did, so we separate ourselves from God. Whatever was stolen from us, we try to find it outside of God's will, drinking, smoking, being promiscuous, cutting, ever suicide. We feel like there's no hope because we've lost hope in the only man that gave us hope (life) and that's Jesus Christ. We've allowed someone to take what they didn't give and separated ourselves from the one who gave us peace.
   We start taking our frustrations out on ourselves, we start not to care about our morals and start feeding our flesh and mind with temporary satisfaction because someone told us that was all we were worth. But let me tell you what we are worth, we're worth the blood of Jesus. We're worth our beloved God giving his only son to die so that we can have life, so that we don't have to be bound by the worlds standard of whats acceptable and whats not. 
   (NLT) John 3:16-17 "for God so loved the world that He gave His only son so that whoever believes in Him will not parish but have eternal life (17) God did not send His son to condemn the world but to save it." So if God didn't send His son to condemn us, who are we to judge, who are we to make people feel less than who they  really are, we are daughters of the most High God and we should carry ourselves in such a way that people can see the glory of God in and around us. 
   (NLT) Romans 12:12 says, "Be glad for all God is planning for you. Be patient in trouble and always be prayerful." Take joy that God has a special plan and purpose for your life, be patient in knowing that Gods plan will manifest itself in your life on Gods time. 
   (NLT) Romans 12:21 says, "Don't let evil get the best of you, but conquer evil by doing good." 
   I've suffered from suicidal thoughts, I've actually tried once, I was that self-conscious girl, I was that homeless woman with children feeling worthless as a mother and a woman, I'm that girl who dealt with homosexual thoughts, I'm that girl that was beaten, that became promiscuous because I was numb to the word of God and focused on how hurt I was by the men I had been with and told myself that I didn't care, all I wanted to do was get my satisfaction and let it be known that I can, "Think Like A Man" (foolishness). I didn't care about morals, I didn't care about what the Word of God said, I didn't care about the only Man that loves me with the purest love and that's my God.
  I'm the harsh reality of how this world can break us down to our lowest point how we allow people to come into our lives and steal our joy and when that happens, we lose sight of OUR PURPOSE GIVEN LIFE!
  In the worlds eyes, I'm a statistic, a high school dropout, black woman with 3 kids, I've been on welfare, I receive government assistance and the father of my children is incarcerated. That's what the world defines me as. But let me tell you what God defines me as, I AM BEAUTIFUL, SMART, LOVING, STRONG, EDUCATED, LOVED, COURAGEOUS, PEACE, OBEDIENT, I AM, A DAUGHTER OF THE KING!!!! And so are you, when the world cast you out, God's love brings you in, into your purpose. He loves you in your wickedness, He loves you in your lust, He loves you in your NO MATTER WHAT!! So what is it for us to put on the whole armor of God, live according to His purpose and be FREE!! The world called us outsiders, God called us His children, there is power in the name of JESUS by His blood we are FREE, in His name we can LIVE! WE ARE ALIVE, WE ARE FREE!!!

I share my story because I want women to know that no matter what it looks like God has a plan and a Purpose for our lives. People are going to talk, they'll talk about you when your're good and they'll talk when your're down, either way, they're TALKING!! So why not give them something to talk about, let them talk about our success after our failure, talk about how God brought us OUT of our "condition" and situation and brought us into His plan for our lives. GOD IS AN AWESOME GOD! There have been days that I wanted to quit, days that  I didn't want to even get out of bed because I was so broken by what I saw but none of  that matters now because I understand my purpose and I'm here to show you the way through the Word of God to understand yours. LET'S GET OUT OF OUR CONDITION AND LIVE!!!!!!