Sunday, November 15, 2015

Peace For The World🌎❤

This past weekend was one to remember for some and one to reflect on for others. Friday the 13th 2015 was the day the lights turned off in Paris, France. Over time 100 people died and even more casualties, the world mourned for Paris because we here in America knows how it feels to look evil right in the eyes. So we open our hearts and show our love and support to our brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus, we show them that we're here even if we're half a world away we're here for you. To show that support, facebook gave us an option by our own choice to filter our profile picture in support of this tragic event and many people made that choice but many also chose not to and in doing that, they had a lot to say. Questions like "Pray for Paris?" Accompanied by pictures of colored men and women being hung, chained and beaten (disgusting) as if to say, we shouldn't pray for Paris because many years ago colored people were abused & oppresed by people of non-color. There were people also upset because there was a moment of silence at a national game for the people of Paris however there was  never a "moment of silence" for the #BlackLivesMatter movement (selfish). When is it ever ok to not show empathy or sympathy in a situation where people are dead and dying all because you're upset based on something that never happened to you directly. You hear people of color scream, "My People. My People", the same people that never experienced oppression, rejection or neglect. The problem with this generation is that we feel we're entitled to things that we don't work for, we did not pray for , and that we don't have the God given strength to endure. The difference between "my people" now and "my people" then is that "my people" then had compassion they had humility, instead of complaining about what wasn't right they prayed about it, respected themselves as well as others, even those who tried to oppress them. Times have  changed and we live in a divided society based on how much more melanin the next person have than us. The word of God stated in Acts 17:26 the God made all nations of man of one blood. Not black blood. Not white blood, not Asian blood, not Egyptian blood but ONE BLOOD. God's intentions for His people was not to be divided  but to be united through  His resurrected son Jesus Christ, Yeshua, the Messiah. At some point in time we have to to realize that this war were fighting isnt against each other but against evil. It has been that way since time started ticking. Until we realize that love conquers ALL & grasp the fact that #AllLivesMatters    this world will never change. We will always be at odds with one another and that #justice we all want will just be another hope that will never exist.

Pray without ceasing, Love without conditions🌎❤

I love you guys Always
XoXo BevBaè ❤💋