Wednesday, January 16, 2013


   Have you ever wanted to be so successful, you could feel it it all over? Have you ever been so confused about where you wanted to go in life that you felt like you'd never make it? Or have you ever prayed so hard and so long daily but it seemed like God just didn't hear you?
   Well, I have. I've felt ALL of these things. Some may be able to relate to my situation. I've always been the type of person that I had a plan, in my head, it's great and when I presented it to others it sounded AWESOME but as time passed, I never executed that that "awesome plan". I just thought about it, talked about it but never did anything about it. It wasn't until I got TIRED of hearing myself talk about what I wanted to and where I wanted to be . Success and being successful takes GREAT SACRIFICE!
   For several years, I started cosmetology school and for several years, I quit cosmetology school. I got so wrapped up in what I thought I wanted to do and not what God had planned for me to do. So finally in 2011, I took that step and applied for school at Regency Beauty Institute, those 12 months were the most up and down moments of my life and at one point in time, I wanted to quit, all the drama, foolishness, and rules just overwhelmed me. I remember in workshop, I had a falling out with one of my classmates, I was mad beyond the point of understanding, but I remember Mrs. Nett kept me in her office and these are her exact words "No ma'am, No ma'am, you will NOT, this is your PURPOSE", that was the first time someone directly said anything to me about "Purpose", she told me not to let anyone take me or move me from MY SPOT and from then on I humbled myself (for the most part). I think all of us Shreveport Regency Students that graduated between May 2011 - July 2012 broke down a time or two.
  Rotation B was the TRUTH (lol) our talks, our jokes, out tears, our whispers, we were a family, a big DYSFUNCTIONAL family BUT it worked, for US! We formed bonds that'll last a LIFETIME.
   Regency and the people in it showed me a lot, they prepared me for life outside of being a student, not having Ms. Kim, Mrs. Nett, or Ms. Blanche to hold our (my) hand. At this point, I'm ready, I'm ready to get out there and be SUCCESSFUL, to live out my purpose that God had set up for me.
   Now that I'm a professional, a licensed professional (as my sister would say) I'm in the real world and I'm working around/with the best and I'm going to be honest, its a bit intimidating but never the less and experience, a good one at that.
   These past couple days I've been here and there about if this is whats for me, I think about what people might say, what they might think of me and my skills, and how they feel about my craft (kind of crazy cause outside of the business, I wouldn't give it a second thought)  but inside the business, its nerve recking. God said to me something I'll never forget 1 sentence 4 words, "I'm waiting on you". Sometimes we wait on God and them there are times He waits on us, He waits on us to stop worrying about what it looks like ans start believing by faith that in what it is and its success and being successful through Him and His Word.
   (2 Kings 18:5-7 NLT) talks about how Hezekiah trusted the Lord, saying that he remained faithful to the Lord and he carefully obeyed the commandments God gave Moses and the Lord was with him and Hezekiah was SUCCESSFUL in everything he did... The key in those scriptures was that he trusted God, he care obeyed Him, and he remained faithful and with those 3 things Hezekiah was successful.
   Sometimes we sit back and wonder why or we ask God why. Then God turns to us and asks us WHY. Why haven't you trusted me? Why don't you have faith in me? Why won't you obey me? Before we ask God why, we should look at ourselves and then maybe all of our questions would be answered.
   Lord why am I not successful?
  -Because you don't trust me.
  Lord, why can't things just fall into place for me?
  -Because you wont obey me.
  Lord, why cant i just get a break?
  -Because you don't have faith in me.
   I'm sure a lot of us have asked these questions over and over again to get no answer, why because you already know, sometimes its better to answer your own questions, to get the revelation your trying to see and the revelation God is trying to get you to see.
   If you read (2 Kings 6:1-7) this DECLARATION OF FAITH will make sense:
  To apply the "declaration of faith" to your life, you must have FAITH! (Matthew 9:28,29) talks about how Jesus touched the eyes of a blind man and made him see but He asked a question, He asked the him if he believed that He (Jesus) could make him see. Their reply "yes". Jesus told them that it's because of their FAITH that it happened.
   World, we need to come to the realization that we can't do this alone, it's not just about us becoming successful or having more, it's about knowing that God will do all that we ask or think, all we have to do is have the faith to know and believe that He can and will do it by faith.
   (Matthew 17:14-20) talks about how the disciples couldn't heal  the demon possessed boy (Matt. 17:19) the disciples asked why they couldn't heal the boy and the answer was simple, they didn't believe (have faith). (Matt 17:20) [ most of us know this verbatim]  "if ye have faith as a grain of a mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain remove hence to yonder place and it shall move and nothing shall be impossible for you."
   In life period, it takes faith to succeed to the highest level that God has planned to takes us. Let's stop waiting on God to answer our questions and revert those questions to ourselves and then when they're answered, let God know that you have the faith, he obedience, and the trust to go where He's willing to take you and follow his unquestionable lead.


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