Monday, May 6, 2013

OPGL: Pastors

  I just want to start off by thanking God for my Pastor, Pastor James McMenis of Word Of God Ministries in Shreveport, La.
  (Jeremiah 3:15-NLT) says, " And I will give you leaders after my own heart, who will guide you with knowledge abd understanding", I firmly believe  this referring to our pastor J. McMenis. Since I've been a member of Word Of God Ministries my spiritual walk has been nothing short of amazing.
  God has blessed him with an anointing (to dedicate to the service of God) to minister the Word, to teach God's Word. Pastor McMenis said something in the part 5 lesson on the series "The Gatekeeper", he said, the easy part of being a preacher is preaching, the hard part is teaching so that the congregation can understand God's word (not in those exact words but basically) and that's a true statement,  to teach Gods word comes with wisdom, knowledge, & understanding of Gods word. It takes more than just getting in the pulpit, reading a couple scriptures,  taking tithes and going home. It's about using God's word to be planted as a seed to manifest itself in the lives of Gods people, it's about Teaching.
  ***(2 Corinthians 5:18-21 NLT)
  Pastors have some big shoes to fill don't they? Some have to worry about judgement,  being ridiculed by people, even christians, because they don't agree with their method of teaching. But would any of that really matter or make a difference if your life is aligned with Gods word? (*1 Peter 3:15-16 NLT) tells us, "instead you must worship Christ as Lord of your life. And if you are asked about your christian hope, always be ready to explain it. But you must do this in a gentle and respectful way. Keep your  conscience clear. Then if people speak evil against you, they will be ashamed when they see what a good life you live because you belong to Christ."
  I commend preachers & not just the ones that minister in the pulpit but also the ones that are in the streets of their communities & different countries ministering Gods word, the ones that sit in the congregation, listen & get an understanding of what's being taught, they study the word & spread it to the rest of the world. God has his hands on us, He gave us purpose through His word.
   (**James 1:19-25 NLT) talks about (19) being quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to anger.... (21) humbly accept the message that God has planted in your hearts, for it is strong enough to save souls...(22) it is a message to obey, not just to listen to, if you don't obey you're only fooling yourself... (**Read to vs 25)
   Some of us sit in church listen to the message and for whatever reason get angry at the Pastor, but why? It's because most of us are sitting there not wanting to hear the truth!  You'd rather your feelings be babysat & watched over, well Gods word doesn't work that way and neither should the people teaching it.
  Pastor McMenis said something funny but true. He said he's not a coochie-coo preacher,  in other words, he's not called to satify us and our feelings by holding back on Gods word ( that was just my take on it) he's in the pulpit to teach the manifested Word Of God so that we can not only recieve God's word but be able to understand it in a way that we can apply it to our lives and bless others as well. 
   I thank God for our pastor & I pray that God continues to cover his family and bless the ministry.  Since I've put fourth my time in Gods word, my life has changed physically, mentally, financially, & most importantly spiritually.  I can humbly say that at Word Of God Ministries I'm at my place called there, I'm home & to my pastor, I hear your heart.


If your ever in the Shreveport area and you're looking for a place to worship,  Word Of God Ministries is open arms to visitors near & far
6645 Bert Kouns Industrial Lp
Shreveport,  La 71129
(318) 364-8977

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