Friday, December 19, 2014

It's Been A While

Hey guys,it's been a while since I've blogged however, I've still been writing so be looking out for some amazing blogs that the Holy Spirit has blessed me with that will bless your socks off. I'm writing this post this early in the morning because I wanted to share a recent testimony that was truly a blessing for me and my family. (I'm going to copy and paste it from my facebook because it's fairly long) Let me tell you how Good God is. So, a couple weeks ago, I made the decision to step from behind the chair and work on getting my high school diploma, then on to getting my cosmetology instructors license, and ultimately owning my own salon. This was a sacrifice that I chose to make to better myself for my children. I asked the kids how would they feel if this year instead of receiving, we give. They were fine with that but I knew that on Christmas Day had they not had anything, because they are kids, they weren't going to be happy. I asked God to give me favor, that he enlarge my territory so that I have the means to give my children an amazing Christmas. BUT GOD, about 2 weeks ago, Rev Albert Dyer pulled me to the side and told me the tutoring program wanted to sponsor my children's Christmas this year (Yall know I cried) so he told me to tell them to write a list of what they wanted. about a week after that Mrs. Carline, the secretary at the Parent Center in Bossier called me and told me that her daughter (an amazing woman that I've never met) wanted to give my children a Christmas (again, I cried) I knew God was working it out for me/us, Here's the kicker, I decided that I should tell both Rev and Mrs. Carline that they both decided to do the same thing for my babies this Christmas. They both said "Ok" (basically what did that have to do with them) all I could do was cry. So about a week ago Mrs. Carline called to let me know that she had the kids gifts, of course I cried. I went to pick the gifts up, gave Mrs. C a big hug and went home, then she sends me a text and says, "My daughter said you can tell the kids Santa gave them their gifts", I smiled and replied back, "Mrs. Carline, they wouldn't believe me if I told them that, I'm going to tell them exactly who it was that gave them amazing Chrsitmas." Then today happened, Mrs. C texted me yesterday to let me know that Micah's drawing book had came in and that she had another surprise for me, Im kind of confused at this point but I say ok, excited about what it is, I'm anxious. Well I get to the PC, getting ready for the PASYF Christmas Program and Mrs. C pulls out this bag from her daughter, guess what it was, A LAPTOP in amazing condition, of course, I cried, and gave Mrs. C the biggest hug. Then THIS happened, while at the PASYF Christmas Program, a couple walked in from Simple Church and Ms. Cann calls my name, they didn't know who I was, have never seen me, all they knew is that they were there to be a blessing in someone's life and that happened to be mine and my children. They gave us Wal-Mart gift cards, as well as bibles for the kids, and more toys!!! Of course I cried... I say all that to say this, I am a firm believer that God is everything He says He is and will do all that I could ask or think. I am a believer of the gospel there for I apply Gods Word to my life. The same faith Abraham had I apply it to my life. You ask for proof of whether God is real or just a made up entity, well guess what, you're looking at proof, me, amongst many, MANY others that follows Gods blue print (the Word Of God) for our lives and receive an abundance of blessings, Blessings don't have to come in the form of monetary gain, it can be as small as being able to rest well at night, or having an over flow of happiness. Which ever way God chooses to bless us, we have to be grateful, and understand that we are blessed to be a blessing. Be living witnesses for those that are lost, I had faith that the God I serve was real from the beginning and He shows me daily. I am not afraid of the gospel and I will serve him as long as I live. ‪#‎COMEONSOMEBODY‬ Im beyond thankful for the people God has placed in my path, words can't even express how much I love them!! That's my testimony!! I couldn't be more thankful for life itself, for children that are greatful for the little things and also wants to be blessings themselves. My faith has trickled down to my little nuggets and I thank God for the trials that I've endured over the past decade. Romans 5:1-5 tells us (NLT)...(1) "Since we have been made right in God's sight, we have peace with God because of what Jesus Christ our Lord has done for us.(2) Because of our faith, Christ has brought us into this place of highest privilege where we now stand, and we confidently and joyfully look forward to sharing God's Glory. *(3)We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they are good for us- they help us learn to endure. (4) and endurance develops strength of character in us, and character strengthens our confident expectation of Salvation. (5) And this expectation will not disappoint us, because we know how dearly God loves us, because He has given us the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with His Love." When things happen in out lives, we're so quick to ask why, or get mad at God like He left us to fight this battle alone. Well, I have good news for you, WE DON'T HAVE TO FIGHT THIS BATTLE ALONE!" God is always with us even when we don't think He's here, He's here. I thank God for what I've gone through because it has made my faith stronger and it has opened my heart to explore the Word of God with full expectation of receiving wisdom, knowledge, and understanding. God has been good to me even when I didn't deserve it. I will bless His name at all times and His praises will continue to be in my mouth. There are more blogs to come, now that I have been blessed with a laptop, I really believe in my heart that all my dreams, all my hearts desires are unfolding as I speak (type). I LOVE YOU ALL XOXO BEV... OPGL...

Sunday, November 9, 2014

OPGL: Walking By Faith

Have you ever asked yourself, "Is my faith strong enough?" Or have you ever wondered why you've believed for something so hard, prayed so much and it never shows up? I have! I've believed, I've prayed, I've confessed but I got nothing. So we sit and ask ourselves is it me or is it God and we often time blame God and start to question Him and His promises. We say, "Lord, you said.....and that's what I did" or did we really? 
   I like to think of Faith as B.A.A.R (Believe•Ask•Action•Receive). We Believe that God will do it (what we ask), then we Ask, after we ask then we put Action behind what we've already believed and asked for then we receive. 
  Romans 10:17 (kjv) says, "So then Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God." Let's take Abraham as the best example of Faith. Genesis 22 (kjv) God told Abraham to take his only son to a land and offer him for a burnt offering, without question, Abraham with Issac and two of his men set off to the land Moriah. On the 3rd day Abraham lifted up his eyes and saw the place afar off, so he left the two men and he and Isaac went together, on the way, Isaac asked where was the lamb that was to be offered. Abrahams only reply was, "God will provide himself a lamb for a burnt offering." In that moment Abraham showed faith not only for himself but for his son as well. 
   Let's take a moment to reflect and place ourselves in Isaac's shoes how would we have  reacted in Gen 22:9-10 (kjv) after Issac specifically asked his father where the lamb was for the burnt offerings, to turn around and be bound and laid on the alter as the offering would be a little confusing right?  WRONG!! Abraham and Isaac was operating in faith that day. Sometimes we as parents have to be an example for our children I believe that as Abraham was walking in faith so was Isaac. Isaac believed that God would provide Himself a lamb so he allowed himself to be in the position to be slain and by faith he believed that God would do what He said He would do. They both believed provided action and received, they received the offering provided by God. 
  Now look at God or should I say look at Abraham and Isaac they both showed true faith in what they believed and that's God and because they (more so Abraham) had faith God blessed him to be a father of many nations. 
  We are Abrahams decendents (by faith)and if we believe like Abraham believe we to can inherit the promises of God and our children will walk in the same manner of fairness Isaac did with his father Abraham. 
  James 2:18-26 talks about how faith and works (actions) works together to receive Gods blessings. Faith alone can't do it and works alone can't do it, they both have to work together to bring fourth the blessings of God by faith. 
  There are many examples in the bible that we can refer to to help us in our spiritual walk and walking by faith. Like Elisha in 1 Kings 19:14 or like the woman with the issue of blood in Luke 8:43-48 or Jairis in Luke 8:40-56 these are just a few people who believe and had faith in the power of the living God. We as Christians should walk in the same manner of faith as they did not only to receive what we ask but to be examples to believers as well as unbelievers. 

I operate the principles of the Kingdom in the spirit of faith that has been given to me. I understand that when I sow Kingdom principles they are like grains of mustard seed though they are small in the midst of all other seeds that have been sown into life through faith and patience, I can water them until their roots have chocked out all that does not give glory to God. In this manner, I receive such an abundance of blessing that I have all that I need and plenty left over so that my life becomes a refuge to everyone in my circle of influence.