Sunday, November 9, 2014

OPGL: Walking By Faith

Have you ever asked yourself, "Is my faith strong enough?" Or have you ever wondered why you've believed for something so hard, prayed so much and it never shows up? I have! I've believed, I've prayed, I've confessed but I got nothing. So we sit and ask ourselves is it me or is it God and we often time blame God and start to question Him and His promises. We say, "Lord, you said.....and that's what I did" or did we really? 
   I like to think of Faith as B.A.A.R (Believe•Ask•Action•Receive). We Believe that God will do it (what we ask), then we Ask, after we ask then we put Action behind what we've already believed and asked for then we receive. 
  Romans 10:17 (kjv) says, "So then Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God." Let's take Abraham as the best example of Faith. Genesis 22 (kjv) God told Abraham to take his only son to a land and offer him for a burnt offering, without question, Abraham with Issac and two of his men set off to the land Moriah. On the 3rd day Abraham lifted up his eyes and saw the place afar off, so he left the two men and he and Isaac went together, on the way, Isaac asked where was the lamb that was to be offered. Abrahams only reply was, "God will provide himself a lamb for a burnt offering." In that moment Abraham showed faith not only for himself but for his son as well. 
   Let's take a moment to reflect and place ourselves in Isaac's shoes how would we have  reacted in Gen 22:9-10 (kjv) after Issac specifically asked his father where the lamb was for the burnt offerings, to turn around and be bound and laid on the alter as the offering would be a little confusing right?  WRONG!! Abraham and Isaac was operating in faith that day. Sometimes we as parents have to be an example for our children I believe that as Abraham was walking in faith so was Isaac. Isaac believed that God would provide Himself a lamb so he allowed himself to be in the position to be slain and by faith he believed that God would do what He said He would do. They both believed provided action and received, they received the offering provided by God. 
  Now look at God or should I say look at Abraham and Isaac they both showed true faith in what they believed and that's God and because they (more so Abraham) had faith God blessed him to be a father of many nations. 
  We are Abrahams decendents (by faith)and if we believe like Abraham believe we to can inherit the promises of God and our children will walk in the same manner of fairness Isaac did with his father Abraham. 
  James 2:18-26 talks about how faith and works (actions) works together to receive Gods blessings. Faith alone can't do it and works alone can't do it, they both have to work together to bring fourth the blessings of God by faith. 
  There are many examples in the bible that we can refer to to help us in our spiritual walk and walking by faith. Like Elisha in 1 Kings 19:14 or like the woman with the issue of blood in Luke 8:43-48 or Jairis in Luke 8:40-56 these are just a few people who believe and had faith in the power of the living God. We as Christians should walk in the same manner of faith as they did not only to receive what we ask but to be examples to believers as well as unbelievers. 

I operate the principles of the Kingdom in the spirit of faith that has been given to me. I understand that when I sow Kingdom principles they are like grains of mustard seed though they are small in the midst of all other seeds that have been sown into life through faith and patience, I can water them until their roots have chocked out all that does not give glory to God. In this manner, I receive such an abundance of blessing that I have all that I need and plenty left over so that my life becomes a refuge to everyone in my circle of influence. 


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