Monday, October 29, 2012

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@LovLikeJesus: Jesus said, "For mortals it is impossible, but for God all things are possible. -Mat 19:26

:::JUST A LITTLE FOOD FOR THOUGHT FROM MY TWITTER PAGE! Do you believe this?!?! I DO!!!! ((: Be Blessed Bloggers & Readers!

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Being A Good Parent Pt. 1

  Have you ever thought that there could be so much more you could do for your children? Has being a parent been so hard that for a split second, you wanted to break down and cry?
  When I had my first child, little Miss Ma'Kenzie, the minute I saw her, I cried and said "that's my baby?" She was so tiny, with big grey eyes and from where I was looking, she looked like a healthy baby.
  Two weeks after she was born, my doctor called me personally to tell my daughter had Sickle Cell Anemia, I cried for days, I was 18 years old, a baby myself (doing grown married folk business) still trying to figure out my own life while trying to figure out the life of my baby girl.
  I'm going to be honest, I didn't go into prayer, my mind was so overwhelmed by Ma'Kenzies condition that I couldn't think about anything but that but the Holy Spirit told be everything is going to be alright, seek God and He'll give you clarification. So that's what I did, I PRAYED.
  For the first year, Ma'Kenzie was a happy, healthy little girl, it wasn't until after her first birthday that she had her first pain crisis and till this day, I still get teared up about it. No one wants to see their child go through pain and from I read about sickle cell, my baby was in pain. Hearing her scream (and if  anyone knows Ma'Kenzie they know she can SCREAM) made me cringe, cry, angry, too many emotions to explain. When everything was done, she was fine, she had her Iv, and she had her new BFF's from LSUHSC. I came to understand that even though we may be hurting and even though pain has stuck us physically, God will FOREVER REMAIN IN CONTROL.
  We as parents can't do Gods duty, we can't be the only ones that stand in agreement for our children (Deuteronomy 6:7-9) tells us to commit to Gods commands, repeat them to our children, talk about his commands on our journey, have them around our homes. God wants us to teach our children his Word, so when it's time for Him to lead, they will follow and though them choosing to follow God isn't promised, God's Word is and if we as parents keeps Gods Word in our hearts, in out homes, and with our children, when they do stray away, fall short or need prayer in any area of their lives, they'll know with all certainty that God is a forgiving God, healing God, and He an do ALL that we ask or think as long as we Pray and Believe.
  Gods Grace and Mercy will forever follow and lead not only us as parents but our children as well. Pray with your children, teach them to pray for themselves through good times and bad, through good health and in time of healing. So when it's time to go out into this world, you'll have the reassurance that you as a parent have done your part and you can let go and let God, knowing that in him, your babies (grown babies ((: ) will be OK.

I encourage anyone who reads this to study Gods Word for yourself so that you may have a clear understanding of the promises that God has for you and your children.
(Genesis 19:9 ; Psalm 103:18 ; 119:11 ; Deuteronomy 6:4-12 ; 8:19)

*If there's anyone who need prayer and would like for me to pray with you in any area, e-mail me i'll be glad to stand in agreement with you. Gods Word says in (Matthew 18:20) "For where two or three have gathered in My name, I am there in their mist."

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Let's Win Some Souls For Christ

   I know as young people, some of us have a reputation to uphold (in our minds). We're too self-conscious of what others think. Being a Christian, living this wonderful lifestyle, you have to get past what the world thinks of you (whether you're doing good or bad, they'll judge you so why not be judged the Good and get Gods Blessings from it).
  A part of being a Christian we have a job to do, a mission to accomplish in the body of Christ and our main objective is to be a Soul Winner. How can we do this? First, stop just saying you're a Christian (Child Of God) and live like one. I've seen so many FB post where an unbeliever have mocked God, questioned God, & made fun of His Word & "Christians" get so offended that instead of Blessing them with Gods Word, they chastise them for believing the way they do. But the thing that we as a body of Christ must understand is that that's their God given right (because God gives us the choice to choose to follow Him) to think/feel that way and we can never change their minds or even get them to think about Salvation if we're cursing them for being unbelievers, that's not how the body of Christ works, that's most definitely not how God works.
  God said in His Word in (1 John 5:1) that everyone who believes that Jesus is the Christ is a Child of God and everyone who loves the Father loves his children too. But how can the body of Christ (Gods children) love Gods children if we're not saving Gods children? (1 John 5:4-5) says (4) for every child of God defeats this evil world by trusting Christ to give the Victory  (5)And the ones who win this battle against the world are the ones who believe Jesus is the Son of God. (1 John 5:9) says since we believe human testimony, surely we can believe the testimony that comes from God. 
  So whats so hard with going out into the world, city, community and making believers out of non-believers, it's not. God won't change the minds of people with abracadabra, the minds of unbelievers are changed with believers, who live according to Gods Word, who minister His Word, & most importantly understands and knows His Word. You can't bless someone taking the Ministry half serious, with Salvation comes those hard questions, that we as children of God must be ready to answer without hesitation.
  Live life to where there's no room for judgement (even though there will be), people are always waiting on someone who testifies about the Glory Of God to slip up and make mistake and with that gives them the opportunity to shun away from Gods Word.
  We as Children of God should always keep (John 3:28) in our hearts and minds. "Let unbelievers know that we are children of God to prepare the way for His return."
  Salvation is set up through Jesus Christ he son of God who died for us that we may have eternal life. (John 5:6-11) Put forth the effort to seek out the lost don't wait for them to come to you, go to them, every opportunity is an opportunity to ask the question , "Do you believe that Jesus died on the cross so that you and I can live an eternal life?" "Do you believe that Jesus was sent by God for the purpose of our salvation?" (Salvation- the act of saving or protecting from harm, risk, loss, destruction). Ask those questions to yourself, do you believe these things? Can you go out into the world and minister Gods Word so that unbelievers would believe these words that Jesus spoke? So that non-believers can know the truth about Gods Word.
  Before you judge, take a minute to think about Gods expectations for our own lives and the lives of our peers.Know that the same Salvation we received, He wants the world to have the same but it starts with US, it starts with the body of Christ.

I encourage you to read Gods Word on your own time, ask Him to give you clarification on things that you may not understand. Jesus paid the ultimate price for our sins but the reward we receive is free!!

(Hebrews 2:11 ; Ephesians 2:6 ; Luke 9:1,2 ; 10:17-19 ; 1Corinthians 14:5 ; James 5:14-16 ; Psalms 91:10-13 ; *1John 5 ; Isaiah 61:1-3 ; Colossians 1:23 ; John 3:18,36 ; Mark 16:15-20 ; Matthew 28:18-20 ; 2Corinthians 5:18-20 ; Acts 2:4 ; 5:12-16) 

Friday, October 12, 2012

Our Purpose Given Life:Enjoy It

   Just got done reading *Ecclesiastes 8:6-17 (NLT) and something stood out to me, in verse 15 it tells us to enjoy life. How about that Gods Word is actually giving us the permission to HAVE FUN! 
   I know a lot of people may think that it's kind of hard being a Christian, you gotta do this, you gotta do that, you can't do this, you can't do that. I know I know there are a lot of things in this world (I've experienced a lot of them) that are tempting like partying, drinking, that high you get from whatever drug that gets you high and when you talking and that curse word that makes the conversation just a little but more interesting Right?.. WRONG! 
   The same way we can justify our actions in this world, why can't we justify our actions of Christ? What everlasting life isn't tempting? Living in mansions (rent & mortgage free-lol), walking on roads paved with gold (Revelation 21:21), not having to suffer as we do here on this oh so tempting earth. I could go on and on but you get my drift. 
   Life isn't about keeping up with the next persons life, trying keep up with the Jones' when in their private life the Jones' can barely keep up with themselves. We oh so carelessly want to follow the wrong people for ALL the wrong reasons not knowing what they had to do to get what they have/had. 
   Life is about the everyday choices we make to follow Gods Word or live life of this world. Enjoying life is about knowing that when you wake up in the morning everything is where it needs to be, you're breathing, your family is safe, and when you cross that thresh hold into this world you have the Faith, the reassurance, that if anything was to happen, God promised that He'll never leave or forsake you . So you now with Faith that everything is going to be alright. . To me that's enjoyment at it's best.
   2 Peter 1:10 tells us to work hard to prove that we're among the ones that God has called and chosen . Being Christian isn't a religion, it's a Lifestyle, a lifestyle that in every sense has be maintained with the up most righteousness and dignity. No, being a Christian doesn't mean you're perfect (God knows that) but it does mean you're living, you're not just alive but living according to Gods Word, plan and Purpose for your life and you can dwell in the assurance that He (God) holds true to all his promises!
   Don't forget or lose sight of Gods vision for you, work hard to live out your Purpose and in all of that hard work enjoy it in  Christ and have some FUN! ((:

I encourage all of you to explore Gods Word for yourself, pray for understanding and let God be your Guide. 
(Psalms 103:1 ; 150 ; John 1:12; 2 ; 2 Corinthians 5:17 ; Acts 4:19. 20 ; 2 Samuel 6:14)

I like this Declaration of Faith from "The Complete Personalized Promise Bible For Women"
By: James Riddle
I will have FUN, with a pure heart of ENJOYMENT, in the presence of my Father.
  He has made me a child in His family. I am of royal blood!
  I could care less what the world thinks! Let them think I'm crazy! Let them think I'm undignified. My Father is worthy and I will exalt His name of what others think.

Our Purpose Given Life: Gods Purpose For Me

   As I sat in my room this morning, talking to God, I analyzed the Nows in my life. The Nows were, what am I doing in my life right Now? What drives in my life right Now? What do I need to do to change anything that may be wrong in my life right Now?
  God  answered and said:
*You're living out you Purpose in your Life right Now.
*The Purpose, Plan and Vision that i've place inside of you is what drives you in your life right Now!
*And to change anything in my life right now, He said "Always remember, never forget, that I Am The Great I Am, I Am God that shall not lie and if you come to me in the name of my Son, I will answer your prayers and you will be made whole.
   Sitting, thinking, I realized that my Purpose on this earth is to spread Gods Word through the gifts (passions) He has blessed me with. What are those gifts? Cosmetology (doing hair), interacting with EVERYBODY (talking), & Loving. Some may say Loving? Yes Loving! Not loving a man in relationship form but loving people in Gods form. Loving people no matter what they do to you or how they do it to you, you still love them with Gods Love. If I loved people with my love, I'd be angry at the things that people have done to me, I'd be bitter towards them for the things they've said to me (negativity), I'd be hurt by the lies that they've told me and the list goes on but with Gods love we can look past the minds of a person, you know the saying, "Charge It to my head Not my heart", well thats what God does, He looks on the heart of a man, and though I'm far from perfect, I strive to walk in his likeness, to be Christ like.
   My mission is to get to the point to that when I speak, people will listen, when I walk in a room people want to know who I am, not for the "fame" or so the world can know who I am but so I can tell the world about WHOS I AM!
   I am a child of God, a Woman of God, a mother who strives to teach her children to walk upright in His Word, so they can know how good God is, so they can know His Love for themselves.
   I've dedicated my Life to God, my children and my Purpose. I want to make a  change not only in the lives of my children (because it starts in my (our) home) I want to change our community, the world but to do that it starts from within, it starts with me. (2 Chronicles 19:8-10)


I encourage you to explore Gods Word for yourself, allow God to Guide you, to give you an understanding of what it is He wants you to do concerning your Purpose in life.
(2 Samuel 23:2-7 ; 2 Peter 1:10 ; Romans 11:29 ; Philippians 2:14)

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Our Purpose Given Life: Intro

  This blog began October 2, 2012. The thought came to my mind just sitting on my couch brainstorming about life. Two nights before, in prayer, I told God I was ready, I was ready to hear his plan for my life. I asked for Wisdom, Knowledge and the complete Understanding of His Word.
  On Monday October 1, 2012, I decided that I wanted to start back in school. I wanted to focus on a field that would drive me, push me, a field that my vision could be seen as well as heard, so I decided to look up fashion design. Some might say, fashion? Yes, fashion! How can fashion be heard? It is a part of you, your style, in my opinion, it reflects who you are, so yes fashion. Well I wasn't surprised when NONE popped up in the search engine for fashion school in Shreveport/Bossier. So I decided to go a different route & BPCC (Bossier Parish Community College) came to mind. I searched through programs of study and came across Mass Communications (Associate in Applied Science in Communication), when I read the learning outcome I knew this course of study was for me.
  The next morning, I had nothing to do so I decided to get a movie and enjoy my day and that's what I did,. Then, like I said before, God spoke to me. "Beverly, start a blog for your community, start something that people can not only relate to but understand as well." So that's what I did.
  This blog to be a vessel for Gods Word to show the world that God has a plan for you life & you (we) we placed here for a Purpose.
  2 Corinthians 9:7 tells us to do whats Purposed in out hearts, meaning follow Gods plan for your life, what God has placed inside of you IS FOR YOU and ONLY YOU! Don't allow doubt to come in and take you away from your value to Gods Kingdom. He wants to use us in every way possible to enlarge (expand) His Kingdom. It's up to us to have the Faith to know that the vision & Purpose he has placed inside of us can and will be lived out, through and by his Word.

I encourage you to explore Gods Word on your own and in doing that ask for Understanding, and He'll be your Guide: 
(Matthew 11:12; 12:29; 2Timothy 2:1-6; Joshua 1:5-9; 2Corinthians 10:4)