Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Let's Win Some Souls For Christ

   I know as young people, some of us have a reputation to uphold (in our minds). We're too self-conscious of what others think. Being a Christian, living this wonderful lifestyle, you have to get past what the world thinks of you (whether you're doing good or bad, they'll judge you so why not be judged the Good and get Gods Blessings from it).
  A part of being a Christian we have a job to do, a mission to accomplish in the body of Christ and our main objective is to be a Soul Winner. How can we do this? First, stop just saying you're a Christian (Child Of God) and live like one. I've seen so many FB post where an unbeliever have mocked God, questioned God, & made fun of His Word & "Christians" get so offended that instead of Blessing them with Gods Word, they chastise them for believing the way they do. But the thing that we as a body of Christ must understand is that that's their God given right (because God gives us the choice to choose to follow Him) to think/feel that way and we can never change their minds or even get them to think about Salvation if we're cursing them for being unbelievers, that's not how the body of Christ works, that's most definitely not how God works.
  God said in His Word in (1 John 5:1) that everyone who believes that Jesus is the Christ is a Child of God and everyone who loves the Father loves his children too. But how can the body of Christ (Gods children) love Gods children if we're not saving Gods children? (1 John 5:4-5) says (4) for every child of God defeats this evil world by trusting Christ to give the Victory  (5)And the ones who win this battle against the world are the ones who believe Jesus is the Son of God. (1 John 5:9) says since we believe human testimony, surely we can believe the testimony that comes from God. 
  So whats so hard with going out into the world, city, community and making believers out of non-believers, it's not. God won't change the minds of people with abracadabra, the minds of unbelievers are changed with believers, who live according to Gods Word, who minister His Word, & most importantly understands and knows His Word. You can't bless someone taking the Ministry half serious, with Salvation comes those hard questions, that we as children of God must be ready to answer without hesitation.
  Live life to where there's no room for judgement (even though there will be), people are always waiting on someone who testifies about the Glory Of God to slip up and make mistake and with that gives them the opportunity to shun away from Gods Word.
  We as Children of God should always keep (John 3:28) in our hearts and minds. "Let unbelievers know that we are children of God to prepare the way for His return."
  Salvation is set up through Jesus Christ he son of God who died for us that we may have eternal life. (John 5:6-11) Put forth the effort to seek out the lost don't wait for them to come to you, go to them, every opportunity is an opportunity to ask the question , "Do you believe that Jesus died on the cross so that you and I can live an eternal life?" "Do you believe that Jesus was sent by God for the purpose of our salvation?" (Salvation- the act of saving or protecting from harm, risk, loss, destruction). Ask those questions to yourself, do you believe these things? Can you go out into the world and minister Gods Word so that unbelievers would believe these words that Jesus spoke? So that non-believers can know the truth about Gods Word.
  Before you judge, take a minute to think about Gods expectations for our own lives and the lives of our peers.Know that the same Salvation we received, He wants the world to have the same but it starts with US, it starts with the body of Christ.

I encourage you to read Gods Word on your own time, ask Him to give you clarification on things that you may not understand. Jesus paid the ultimate price for our sins but the reward we receive is free!!

(Hebrews 2:11 ; Ephesians 2:6 ; Luke 9:1,2 ; 10:17-19 ; 1Corinthians 14:5 ; James 5:14-16 ; Psalms 91:10-13 ; *1John 5 ; Isaiah 61:1-3 ; Colossians 1:23 ; John 3:18,36 ; Mark 16:15-20 ; Matthew 28:18-20 ; 2Corinthians 5:18-20 ; Acts 2:4 ; 5:12-16) 

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