Friday, October 12, 2012

Our Purpose Given Life: Gods Purpose For Me

   As I sat in my room this morning, talking to God, I analyzed the Nows in my life. The Nows were, what am I doing in my life right Now? What drives in my life right Now? What do I need to do to change anything that may be wrong in my life right Now?
  God  answered and said:
*You're living out you Purpose in your Life right Now.
*The Purpose, Plan and Vision that i've place inside of you is what drives you in your life right Now!
*And to change anything in my life right now, He said "Always remember, never forget, that I Am The Great I Am, I Am God that shall not lie and if you come to me in the name of my Son, I will answer your prayers and you will be made whole.
   Sitting, thinking, I realized that my Purpose on this earth is to spread Gods Word through the gifts (passions) He has blessed me with. What are those gifts? Cosmetology (doing hair), interacting with EVERYBODY (talking), & Loving. Some may say Loving? Yes Loving! Not loving a man in relationship form but loving people in Gods form. Loving people no matter what they do to you or how they do it to you, you still love them with Gods Love. If I loved people with my love, I'd be angry at the things that people have done to me, I'd be bitter towards them for the things they've said to me (negativity), I'd be hurt by the lies that they've told me and the list goes on but with Gods love we can look past the minds of a person, you know the saying, "Charge It to my head Not my heart", well thats what God does, He looks on the heart of a man, and though I'm far from perfect, I strive to walk in his likeness, to be Christ like.
   My mission is to get to the point to that when I speak, people will listen, when I walk in a room people want to know who I am, not for the "fame" or so the world can know who I am but so I can tell the world about WHOS I AM!
   I am a child of God, a Woman of God, a mother who strives to teach her children to walk upright in His Word, so they can know how good God is, so they can know His Love for themselves.
   I've dedicated my Life to God, my children and my Purpose. I want to make a  change not only in the lives of my children (because it starts in my (our) home) I want to change our community, the world but to do that it starts from within, it starts with me. (2 Chronicles 19:8-10)


I encourage you to explore Gods Word for yourself, allow God to Guide you, to give you an understanding of what it is He wants you to do concerning your Purpose in life.
(2 Samuel 23:2-7 ; 2 Peter 1:10 ; Romans 11:29 ; Philippians 2:14)

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