Thursday, October 18, 2012

Being A Good Parent Pt. 1

  Have you ever thought that there could be so much more you could do for your children? Has being a parent been so hard that for a split second, you wanted to break down and cry?
  When I had my first child, little Miss Ma'Kenzie, the minute I saw her, I cried and said "that's my baby?" She was so tiny, with big grey eyes and from where I was looking, she looked like a healthy baby.
  Two weeks after she was born, my doctor called me personally to tell my daughter had Sickle Cell Anemia, I cried for days, I was 18 years old, a baby myself (doing grown married folk business) still trying to figure out my own life while trying to figure out the life of my baby girl.
  I'm going to be honest, I didn't go into prayer, my mind was so overwhelmed by Ma'Kenzies condition that I couldn't think about anything but that but the Holy Spirit told be everything is going to be alright, seek God and He'll give you clarification. So that's what I did, I PRAYED.
  For the first year, Ma'Kenzie was a happy, healthy little girl, it wasn't until after her first birthday that she had her first pain crisis and till this day, I still get teared up about it. No one wants to see their child go through pain and from I read about sickle cell, my baby was in pain. Hearing her scream (and if  anyone knows Ma'Kenzie they know she can SCREAM) made me cringe, cry, angry, too many emotions to explain. When everything was done, she was fine, she had her Iv, and she had her new BFF's from LSUHSC. I came to understand that even though we may be hurting and even though pain has stuck us physically, God will FOREVER REMAIN IN CONTROL.
  We as parents can't do Gods duty, we can't be the only ones that stand in agreement for our children (Deuteronomy 6:7-9) tells us to commit to Gods commands, repeat them to our children, talk about his commands on our journey, have them around our homes. God wants us to teach our children his Word, so when it's time for Him to lead, they will follow and though them choosing to follow God isn't promised, God's Word is and if we as parents keeps Gods Word in our hearts, in out homes, and with our children, when they do stray away, fall short or need prayer in any area of their lives, they'll know with all certainty that God is a forgiving God, healing God, and He an do ALL that we ask or think as long as we Pray and Believe.
  Gods Grace and Mercy will forever follow and lead not only us as parents but our children as well. Pray with your children, teach them to pray for themselves through good times and bad, through good health and in time of healing. So when it's time to go out into this world, you'll have the reassurance that you as a parent have done your part and you can let go and let God, knowing that in him, your babies (grown babies ((: ) will be OK.

I encourage anyone who reads this to study Gods Word for yourself so that you may have a clear understanding of the promises that God has for you and your children.
(Genesis 19:9 ; Psalm 103:18 ; 119:11 ; Deuteronomy 6:4-12 ; 8:19)

*If there's anyone who need prayer and would like for me to pray with you in any area, e-mail me i'll be glad to stand in agreement with you. Gods Word says in (Matthew 18:20) "For where two or three have gathered in My name, I am there in their mist."

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