Friday, October 12, 2012

Our Purpose Given Life:Enjoy It

   Just got done reading *Ecclesiastes 8:6-17 (NLT) and something stood out to me, in verse 15 it tells us to enjoy life. How about that Gods Word is actually giving us the permission to HAVE FUN! 
   I know a lot of people may think that it's kind of hard being a Christian, you gotta do this, you gotta do that, you can't do this, you can't do that. I know I know there are a lot of things in this world (I've experienced a lot of them) that are tempting like partying, drinking, that high you get from whatever drug that gets you high and when you talking and that curse word that makes the conversation just a little but more interesting Right?.. WRONG! 
   The same way we can justify our actions in this world, why can't we justify our actions of Christ? What everlasting life isn't tempting? Living in mansions (rent & mortgage free-lol), walking on roads paved with gold (Revelation 21:21), not having to suffer as we do here on this oh so tempting earth. I could go on and on but you get my drift. 
   Life isn't about keeping up with the next persons life, trying keep up with the Jones' when in their private life the Jones' can barely keep up with themselves. We oh so carelessly want to follow the wrong people for ALL the wrong reasons not knowing what they had to do to get what they have/had. 
   Life is about the everyday choices we make to follow Gods Word or live life of this world. Enjoying life is about knowing that when you wake up in the morning everything is where it needs to be, you're breathing, your family is safe, and when you cross that thresh hold into this world you have the Faith, the reassurance, that if anything was to happen, God promised that He'll never leave or forsake you . So you now with Faith that everything is going to be alright. . To me that's enjoyment at it's best.
   2 Peter 1:10 tells us to work hard to prove that we're among the ones that God has called and chosen . Being Christian isn't a religion, it's a Lifestyle, a lifestyle that in every sense has be maintained with the up most righteousness and dignity. No, being a Christian doesn't mean you're perfect (God knows that) but it does mean you're living, you're not just alive but living according to Gods Word, plan and Purpose for your life and you can dwell in the assurance that He (God) holds true to all his promises!
   Don't forget or lose sight of Gods vision for you, work hard to live out your Purpose and in all of that hard work enjoy it in  Christ and have some FUN! ((:

I encourage all of you to explore Gods Word for yourself, pray for understanding and let God be your Guide. 
(Psalms 103:1 ; 150 ; John 1:12; 2 ; 2 Corinthians 5:17 ; Acts 4:19. 20 ; 2 Samuel 6:14)

I like this Declaration of Faith from "The Complete Personalized Promise Bible For Women"
By: James Riddle
I will have FUN, with a pure heart of ENJOYMENT, in the presence of my Father.
  He has made me a child in His family. I am of royal blood!
  I could care less what the world thinks! Let them think I'm crazy! Let them think I'm undignified. My Father is worthy and I will exalt His name of what others think.

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